Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Happenings

Hi friends,

I'm no longer alone here on the homestead.  My husband returned a few days ago from visiting family.  This means my days are no longer my own.  He's decided that our pups are getting tired of their treats and had the bright idea that I should make them new ones--their own cookies.  Actually I'd been thinking about doing that anyway, but who likes being told what to do.  So, I guess I'll be making dog cookies for the boys.  I'm also looking for a new kitten.  My cat is alone in the courtyard and she needs company.  I figure a kitten will be young enough to amuse her and she can mother him all she wants.

I'm going to be reading through my latest novel, "Small Town Justice" this week for errors.  But as every author knows, you can read it a million times and still miss something.  I would like to keep as many errors as possible out of my books.  I know that when you come across them it takes you out of the story--so stay tuned for that.

Take care, All.

If you're interested in reading my homestead blog, feel free to log on.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back from my hiatus.

Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing well.  I'm back.  In the past few months, I've been to Alaska and back, finished a college course and started another, put in a garden and have been working on "Small Town Justice."  I expect to get this new book up in the next few weeks.  I'm excited about that. 

I don't know about you, but the ticks are pretty bad this year.  So far I've dug eight of the little buggers out of my skin and summer hasn't even started yet.  I've taken to wearing DEET like perfume.  Seriously, I've been spraying it on my clothes first thing in the morning and then spraying my way through the house and outside.  Bug spray has become my new best friend.  I'm a little put off by all this since for the past few years I've stayed away from packaged food and concentrated on eating organic.  So, the race is on . . . what will kill me first, the poisonous spray or Lyme disease.  I think going the Twinkie route would be much more fun. 

Take care, Friends.

If you haven't had the chance, take a look at my book trailer.  I hope you enjoy it.
