Sunday, August 4, 2013


Yep, it’s that time of year again.  This is the time of year when Hwy 127 that stretches from Alabama all the way up to Michigan becomes a nightmare to travel because the of the World’s Longest Yard Sale.  This is why, on this particular weekend, we pretty much stay as close to home as possible so as not to run over unsuspecting pedestrians trying their hardest to burn through the money in their pockets.

People become idiots at this time of year–slamming on their breaks without warning as they pass a yard filled with the junk from someone’s garage or basement–stepping into the road without looking.  “Wow, there’s a rack full of really old clothes, I might find a Members Only jacket from the 1980s on it…and look at those old mayonnaise jars–I must possess them right now.”  It’s also the time of year when that old exercise bike in the corner of the basement that the owner didn’t give a thought to is suddenly worth $80 and the dated, faded picture of a farm tractor that hung in the kitchen for years and is spotted with mildew is now a masterpiece.

Yesterday, I broke my own rule of never getting anywhere near the 127 Yard Sale.  However, in the minimalist spirit, I decided to only purchase exactly what I needed and that the deal had to be a good one.  You would be amazed at how high prices can get at some of these yard sales.  For example, why would you want to buy a tool that you can buy brand new for the same price with a warranty.  Also, why buy cast iron cookware when we have an actual Lodge outlet down the road where we can purchase it for less.

All that being said, I did find something useful yesterday–I bought a brand new pair of steel-toed work boots (tags still on them) I needed for $25 from a lady who said she was closing down her shoe store and had set up a booth at one of the yard-sale hot spots.  So all-in-all it was a good day.  I’m still looking for that Members Only jacket for my cats’ luxury bedding.

Take Care, All

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