Friday, February 15, 2013

Tapping the maple trees

Tomorrow should be a magical day.  We've had 30-degree nights and 50-degree days.  I'm planning to go out and tap the maple trees.  A couple years ago I ordered some spouts from Lehman's.  I put them away in a drawer where they stayed.  Then last week, my friend called to tell me she'd been tapping her maple trees and had boiled down her maple sap into a syrup and had been enjoying eating it.  I realized, gee, I've got spouts sitting in my drawer, doing absolutely nothing.  So, tomorrow will be the day.  She said to use a 7/16 drill.  She also said she was planning to tap some other kinds of trees.  This friend is also the same one who built her own house and builds rock walls without abandon.  If I only had her energy, I might have been sitting on a gold mine of maple syrup by now.  Instead, I may end up with a whole cup, but I'm willing to take chances.   Wish me luck.
Take care, All.

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