Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Closet and Other Catastrophes

It’s a new year and with it come resolutions. One of my major resolutions this year is to turn my chaotic life into streamlined version of “simple living.” It’s hard to feel creative when I’m surrounded by clutter and of course it’s hard to clean around all those piles of junk. Step 1-start with the closet. I donned my Haz-Mat suit and went to work. I pawed through the piles and piles of shoes. In fact, if how many shoes a person owned equaled their wealth, I would probably be one of the richest women in North America. I have old shoes I just can’t bring myself to throw away, shoes I wear on special occasions, new shoes with the tags still on them and favorite shoes-that when I found out I liked them enough, I bought 2 pairs just to make sure I would have them if the old pair wore out. Now I found that this resolution is harder to keep than I originally thought, because now I’ve discovered I’m a shoe hoarder. Some people collect baseball cards–I collect shoes. New resolution–streamline my shoe collection. This simple living concept may be harder than I thought. Maybe I should hire a heartless consultant to come in and help me out or go to a hypnotist to tell me I only need 7 pairs of shoes and to make my choice wisely. Either way something has to be done.

On another note–I started writing my next book on the “off-grid lifestyle.” It’s taken up most of my week. I’m hoping that those who are interested in the off-grid lifestyle will find my book helpful and I’m hoping to be able to hit upon some insights that others haven’t suggested. If anyone has any questions that they’d like to have answered, feel free to leave me a note and I’ll try to include it in my book. I’m planning to include a man, as well as a woman’s perspective to off-grid living. My hopes are to have this book done by March or sooner–so wish me luck.

Well, take care All, and good luck with your New Year’s resolutions.

P.S. “Unplugged” is doing well on amazon. Many thanks to those who’ve left me reviews and encouragement. You’re the best!!!

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